Olyan eszközt kívánunk a cégvezetők és HR vezetők kezébe adni a pszichoszociális kockázatok (munkahelyi stressz) felmérésével és elemzésével, amellyel egyértelmű választ kapnak a szervezetüknél dolgozó munkatársak stressz szintjéről, arra adott reakcióiról és a vállalatuk dolgozói megítéléséről. Ezen eredmények birtokában a hosszú távú megtartás érdekében célzott humánerőforrás-gazdálkodási stratégia és ösztönző, megtartó, utánpótlás nevelő programok alakíthatóak ki, amelyek javítják az adott szervezet munkavállalói megítélését, és ezen keresztül is hozzájárulnak a vállalat hosszú távú gazdasági és szakmai sikeréhez is.
In a dynamically changing labor market, employers who can create an appropriate work environment and respond to real employee needs flexibly and creatively are more efficient at ensuring the business success and the survival of their company.
While employer strategies may differ, making good colleagues stay is less and less a question of salary and more and more related to establishing a pleasant workplace environment, ensuring good work-life balance, and providing flexible working hours adapted to individual life scenarios. Stress at work is proven to have a negative impact on employee performance.
After extensive research, an international agreement was made in 2004 to consciously analyze and reduce psychosocial risks facing employees. Globally, the agreement was integrated into the legal system of many countries, making it compulsory to evaluate psychosocial risks facing employees at the workplace. The agreement was ratified by Hungary in 2008. Since then, every business organization is required (under paragraph 1d Section 54 of Act XCIII of 1993 on Labor Safety) to perform a psychosocial risk assessment.
As a response to the research, an international system was set up to efficiently and precisely identify the stressors affecting employees within the organization. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II) has been translated to 25 languages and used successfully worldwide. Used efficiently by WorkStressMeter, the COPSOQ-II questionnaire has been validated in Hungary by the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at Semmelweis University.
The WorkStressMeter team is a community of professionals, guaranteeing – through their legal know-how, OHS, organizational development, management experience, and IT background – that using this validated international questionnaire will be harmonized with the goals of the employer. By identifying and evaluating these psychosocial risks we can ensure – through on-demand tailor-made solutions – that your organization will respond more efficiently to the expectations of the labor market and keep the workforce needed for your success on the long run.